
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019DEC31 (SED D2.W4) D23

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x 1 (1:1:27)
140 x 1 (1:2:28)
120 x 1 (1:3:29)
130 x 1 (1:4:30)
140 x 1 (1:5:31)
150 x 1 (1:6:32)
120 x 1 (1:7:33)
130 x 1 (1:8:34)
140 x 1 (1:9:35)
150 x 1 (1:10:36)
160 x 1 (1:11:37)
120 x 1 (1:12:38)
130 x 1 (1:13:39)
140 x 1 (1:14:40)
150 x 1 (1:15:41)
160 x 1 (1:16:42)
170 x 1 (1:17:43)
180 x 1 (1:18:44)
170 x 1 (1:19:45)
150 x 1 (1:20:46)
120 x 1 (1:21:47)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips + Hand Release Pull Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (bw x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 12 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 16 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (bw x 2))1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (1)10

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (1)5

Monday, December 30, 2019

2019DEC30 (SED D1.W4) D22

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:4)
170 x 1 (1:5:5)
125 x (1)4 (4:9:9)
175 x 1 (1:10:10)
155 x 1 (1:11:11)
125 x 1 (1:12:12)
75 x 1
20 x 1

175kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 10 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 14 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 18 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 22 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

12" Block Snatch:
20 x (1)5
42.5 x (1)5
52.5 x (1)4
62.5 x (1)3 (3:15:15)
72.5 x (1)2 (2:17:17)
82.5 x 1 (1:18:18) * dmax
62.5 x (2)4 (8:26:26)

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw + 8 x (2)5

Sunday, December 29, 2019

2019DEC29 (SED D7.W3) D21 (94)

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:87)
145 x (1)4 (4:9:91)
170 x 1 (1:10:92)
140 x 1 (1:11:93)
120 x 1 (1:12:94)
70 x 1
20 x 1

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 16 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 20 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

18" Block Clean + Power Jerk:
20 x (1+1)10
40 x (1+1)5
60 x (1+1)3
80 x (1+1)2
100 x (1+1)1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up + Chin Up + Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (1+1+1)7

Saturday, December 28, 2019

2019DEC28 (SED D6.W3) D20

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:72)
150 x (1)4 (4:9:76)
170 x 1 (1:10:77)
180 x 1 (1:11:78)
185 x 1 (1:12:79)
170 x 1 (1:13:80)
150 x 1 (1:14:81)
120 x 1 (1:15:82)
70 x 1
20 x 1

185kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 16 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

18" Block Snatch * No Strap:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)5
50 x (1)4
60 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
80 x 1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up + Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2+2)5

* Notes:

- The squats have become a bit more laborious lately due to weight loss, travel, and a poor diet.  Today was the first time in what seems like an ego since I've squatted above 180kg.  I hope to keep the momentum going with a goal weight of 200kg.

Friday, December 27, 2019

2019DEC27 (SED D5.W3) D19

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)3 (3:3:56)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:58)
160 x 1 (1:6:59)
130 x (1)3 (3:9:62)
150 x (1)2 (2:11:64)
170 x 1 (1:12:65)
150 x 1 (1:13:66)
120 x 1 (1:12:67)
70 x 1
20 x 1

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))3

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Thursday, December 26, 2019

2019DEC26 (SED D4.W3) D18

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:42)
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:44)
150 x 1 (1:4:45)
120 x (1)3 (3:8:48)
150 x (1)2 (2:10:50)
170 x 1 (1:10:51)
150 x 1 (1:11:52)
120 x 1 (1:12:53)

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Good Morning:
((bw x 10) + (20 x 10))5

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

2019DEC25 (SED D3.W3) D17

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:33)
150 x (1)2 (2:5:35)
170 x 1 (1:6:36)
150 x (1)2 (2:8:38)
120 x (1)3 (3:11:41)
100 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Good Morning:
((bw x 10) + (20 x 10))5

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

2019DEC24 (SED D2.W3) D16

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:2:18)
140 x 1 (1:3:19)
80 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:5:21)
150 x 1 (1:6:22)
90 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:8:24)
160 x 1 (1:9:25)
100 x (1)3
150 x (1)2 (2:11:27)
170 x 1 (1:12:28)
150 x 1 (1:13:29)
120 x 1 (1:14:30)
70 x 1
20 x 1

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 10))2
((110 x 10) + (bw + 12 x 10))2

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Monday, December 23, 2019

2019DEC23 (SED D1.W3) D15

Back Squat:
20 x (5)5
70 x (5)3
100 x (3)2
120 x (3)3 (9:9:9)
140 x (2)2 (4:13:13)
160 x 1 (1:14:14)
140 x 2 (2:16:16)

160kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))3
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

* Float

Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Sunday, December 22, 2019

2019DEC22 (SED D7.W2) D14 (67)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5

Back Squat:
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:59)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:61)
160 x 1 (1:6:62)
140 x (1)2 (2:8:64)
120 x (1)3 (3:11:67)
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))4

Good Morning + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((20 x 5) + (1.25 x 10))3

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Saturday, December 21, 2019

2019DEC21 (SED D6.W2) D13

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)1
110 x 1
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:48)
110 x (1)2
130 x (1)1 (1:2:49)
120 x 1 (1:3:50)
140 x 1 (1:4:51)
130 x 1 (1:5:52)
150 x 1 (1:6:53)
140 x 1 (1:7:54)
130 x 1 (1:8:55)
120 x 1 (1:9:56)
70 x 1
20 x 1

150kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))3
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))2

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)10

Friday, December 20, 2019

2019DEC20 (SED D5.W2) D12

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:42)
140 x (1)4 (4:9:46)
120 x 1 (1:10:47)
70 x 1
20 x 1

140kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1

Clean + Squat Jerk:
20 x (1+1)5

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (4)5

Thursday, December 19, 2019

2019DEC19 (SED D4.W2) D11

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5

Clean Pull + Front Squat:
70 x (1+1)3
100 x (1+1)3
120 x (1+1)3 (3:3:32)
140 x (1+F)1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2)5

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)2
110 x 1
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:33)
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:3:35)
140 x 1 (1:4:36)
130 x 1 (1:5:37)
110 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

140kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

2019DEC18 (SED D3.W2) D10

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
100 x (1)3
120 x 1 (1:1:24)
90 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:26)
140 x 1 (1:4:27)
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:6:29)
160 x F

140kg Front Squat

Drop Snatch + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((30 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((40 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((50 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((60 x 3) + (110 x 10))1

Dips + Snatch Pull:
((bw x 10) + (40 x 3))1
((bw x 10) + (50 x 3))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (60 x 3))1
((bw x 10) + (70 x 3))1
((bw x 10) + (80 x 3))1

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)10

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

2019DEC17 (SED D2.W2) D9

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5           
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:1:13)
130 x 1 (1:2:14)
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:3:15)
140 x 1 (1:4:16)
120 x 1 (1:5:17)
140 x 1 (1:6:18)
150 x 1 (1:7:19)
130 x (1)3 (3:10:22)
120 x 1 (1:11:23)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

150kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2

12" Block Clean Pull + Clean + Split Jerk:
20 x (1+1+1)2
40 x (1+1+1)2
60 x (1+1+1)2
80 x (1+1+1)2

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Parallel Grip Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Monday, December 16, 2019

2019DEC16 (SED D1.W2) D8

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
130 x (1)3 (3:8:8)
140 x 1 (1:9:9)
135 x 1 (1:10:10)
130 x 1 (1:11:11)
120 x 1 (1:12:12)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

140kg Front Squat

Drop Snatch:
20 x 3
30 x 3
40 x 3
50 x 3
60 x 3

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))5

Snatch Pull:
20 x 3
30 x 3
40 x 3
50 x 3
60 x 3

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (4)5

Sunday, December 15, 2019

2019DEC15 (SED D7.W1) D7 (83)

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x 1 (1:1:70)
130 x 1 (1:2:71)
140 x 1 (1:3:72)
130 x 1 (1:4:73)
140 x 1 (1:5:74)
150 x 1 (1:6:75)
140 x 1 (1:7:76)
150 x 1 (1:8:77)
160 x 1 (1:9:78)
150 x 1 (1:10:79)
160 x 1 (1:11:80)
170 x 1 (1:12:81)
150 x 1 (1:13:82)
120 x 1 (1:14:83)
70 x 1
20 x 1

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))5

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)10

Saturday, December 14, 2019

2019DEC14 (SED D6.W1) D6

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:62)
160 x (1)3 (3:7:65)
180 x (1)2 (2:9:67)
160 x 1 (1:10:68)
120 x 1 (1:11:69)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Sqaut

Dips + Hand Release Pull Up + Hand Release Chin Up + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (bw x 2) + (bw x 2) + (110 x 10))5

Friday, December 13, 2019

2019DEC13 (SED D5.W1) D5

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)6
120 x (1)5 (5:5:49)
160 x (1)4 (4:9:53)
180 x (1)3 (3:12:56)
160 x 1 (1:13:57)
120 x 1 (1:14:58)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))5

Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
1.5 x (15)3

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)12

Thursday, December 12, 2019

2019DEC12 (SED D4.W1) D4

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:36)
150 x (1)2 (2:5:38)
170 x 1 (1:6:39)
150 x (1)2 (2:8:41)
120 x (1)3 (3:11:44)

170kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))5

KB Seal Row + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((24 x 6) + (1.5 x 15))5

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

2019DEC11 (SED D3.W1) D3

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:22)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:24)
160 x 1 (1:6:25)
140 x (1)3 (3:9:28)
160 x (1)2 (2:11:30)
180 x 1 (1:12:31)
160 x 1 (1:13:32)
120 x 1 (1:14:33)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips + Hand Release Chin Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (bw x 2))5

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

* Notes:

- 180kg!  Who would have thought; especially, after an abysmal performance from yesterday.  I need to seriously dial back the training this first week back from the move.  I think being a little more conservative will pay big dividends later on and prevent a possible injury.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2019DEC10 (SED D2.W1) D2

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:11)
140 x (1)4 (4:9:15)
160 x (1)3 (3:12:18)
120 x 1 (1:13:19)
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips + Press:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (20 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (30 x 5))4

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2)5

* Notes:

- My legs are dead!  160kg was a gift.  Plus, in all honesty, my lower back is smoked from all the endless bending over to unpack boxes.  I'm not sure how tomorrow will go, but I'll be back -- I'm not sure why, but I will. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

2019DEC09 (SED D1.W1) D1

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)5
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
150 x (1)3 (3:8:8)
170 x 1 (1:9:9)
150 x 1 (1:10:10)
120 x 1 (1:11:11)

170kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))5

KB Seal Row + Hand Release Pull Up:
((25 x 6) + (bw x 2))5

* Notes:

- I'm moved in and finally back on the squat everyday horse again.  170kg felt like a metric ton and my legs feel weaker than a newborn baby chick's.  This is going to be interesting.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Saturday, December 7, 2019

2019DEC07 (REST)


- A day of unpacking boxes and trying to figure out where things will go into our new home.  It's absolutely insane making for no time to squat.

Friday, December 6, 2019

2019DEC06 (REST)


- My household goods were delivered today, so with all the chaos of moving, I'm unable to get a squat workout done.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

2019DEC05 (REST)


- The movers arrived yesterday and today I'm enroute to Boonville to receive our household goods.  Another day off from squatting.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

2019DEC04 (REST)


- I'm unable to lift today because our movers arrive this morning to pack our household goods for the move to Boonville. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2019DEC03 (REST)


- Another day off from squatting.  I traveled back to Kentucky yesterday from Missouri.  I got home late after a 7 hour ride and had to start the arduous process of finalizing the packing of our house in preparation for the movers.

Monday, December 2, 2019

2019DEC02 (REST)


- Traveled yesterday down to Boonville, MO to close on our house.  There just wasn't any time to lift today with all the responsibilities of preparing for the move.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

2019DEC01 (SED D1.W25) D169

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
150 x (1)5 (5:10:10)
120 x 1 (1:11:11)
100 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

150kg Back Squat

* Notes:

- A long car ride from Kentucky to Illinois makes for a lackluster performance in the squat rack.  Quite possibly one of the worst squat workouts in a long time.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

2019NOV30 (SED D7.W24) D168 (107)

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x 1
70 x 1
90 x 1
70 x 1
90 x 1
120 x 1 (1:1:96)
90 x 1
120 x 1 (1:2:97)
150 x 1 (1:3:98)
120 x 1 (1:4:99)
150 x 1 (1:5:100)
170 x 1 (1:6:101)
150 x 1 (1:7:102)
170 x 1 (1:8:103)
182 x 1 (1:9:104)
170 x 1 (1:10:105)
150 x 1 (1:11:106)
120 x 1 (1:12:107)
90 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

Friday, November 29, 2019

2019NOV29 (SED D6.W24) D167

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)3 (3:3:86)
170 x (1)2 (2:5:88)
182 x 1 (1:6:89)
140 x (1)3 (3:9:92)
150 x (1)2 (2:11:94)
120 x 1 (1:12:95)
70 x 1
20 x 1

182kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Press + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (20 x 10) + (1.5 x 15))2
((110 x 10) + (30 x 10) + (1.5 x 15))1

* Notes:

- I was feeling very sluggish today.  It must have been all the drams of bourbon from yesterday's Thanksgiving festivities over at my neighbor, Josh's house.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

2019NOV28 (SED D5.W24) D166

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)3 (3:3:74)
170 x (1)2 (2:5:76)
190 x 1 (1:6:77)
170 x 1 (1:7:78)
160 x 1 (1:8:79)
150 x 1 (1:9:80)
140 x 1 (1:10:81)
130 x 1 (1:11:82)
120 x 1 (1:12:83)
70 x 1
20 x 1

190kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Press + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (20 x 10) + (1.5 x 15))3

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

2019NOV27 (SED D4.W24) D165

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:58)
160 x (1)5 (5:10:63)
180 x (1)5 (5:15:68)
160 x 1 (1:16:69)
140 x 1 (1:17:70)
120 x 1 (1:18:71)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.5 x 15))3

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

2019NOV26 (SED D3.W24) D164

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:39)
170 x (1)3 (3:7:42)
195 x 1 (1:8:43)
180 x 1 (1:9:44)
160 x (1)2 (2:11:46)
140 x (1)3 (3:14:49)
120 x (1)4 (4:18:53)
70 x 1
20 x 1

195kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.5 x 15))3

Monday, November 25, 2019

2019NOV25 (SED D2.W24) D163

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:2:23)
160 x 1 (1:3:24)
80 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:5:26)
170 x 1 (1:6:27)
90 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:8:29)
180 x 1 (1:9:30)
100 x (1)3
150 x (1)2 (2:11:32)
190 x 1 (1:12:33)
150 x 1 (1:13:34)
120 x 1 (1:14:35)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

190kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.5 x 15))3

Sunday, November 24, 2019

2019NOV24 (SED D1.W24) D162

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
75 x (1)5
125 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
165 x (1)4 (4:9:9)
185 x (1)3 (3:12:12)
165 x (1)2 (2:14:14)
145 x (1)3 (3:17:17)
125 x (1)4 (4:21:21)
75 x 1
20 x 1

185kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Press:
((110 x 10) + (20 x 5))3

40 x (1)3
60 x (1)2
80 x C

Saturday, November 23, 2019

2019NOV23 (SED D7.W23) D161 (124)

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:106)
160 x 1 (1:5:107)
140 x (1)3 (3:8:110)
180 x 1 (1:9:111)
160 x (1)2 (2:11:113)
191 x 1 (1:12:114)
180 x 1 (1:13:115)
160 x (1)2 (2:15:117)
140 x (1)3 (3:18:120)
120 x (1)4 (4:22:124)
70 x 1
20 x 1

191kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.5 x 10))3

Friday, November 22, 2019

2019NOV22 (SED D6.W23) D160

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)3 (3:3:89)
160 x (1)2 (2:5:91)
180 x 1 (1:6:92)
140 x (1)3 (3:9:95)
180 x (1)2 (2:11:97)
160 x 1 (1:12:98)
200 x 1 (1:13:99)
190 x 1 (1:14:100)
160 x 1 (1:15:101)
120 x 1 (1:16:102)
70 x 1
20 x 1

200kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Band Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (Green x 15))3

Thursday, November 21, 2019

2019NOV21 (SED D5.W23) D159

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)4 (4:4:74)
160 x (1)3 (3:7:77)
190 x 1 (1:8:78)
160 x (1)4 (4:12:82)
140 x (1)3 (3:15:85)
120 x 1 (1:16:86)
70 x 1
20 x 1

190kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2019NOV20 (SED D4.W23) D158

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
75 x (1)5
125 x (1)5 (5:5:53)
165 x (1)4 (4:9:57)
185 x (1)3 (3:12:60)
180 x 1 (1:13:61)
160 x (1)2 (2:15:63)
140 x (1)3 (3:18:66)
120 x (1)4 (4:22:70)
70 x 1
20 x 1

185kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

2019NOV19 (SED D3.W23) D157

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
52.5 x (1)3
72.5 x (1)3
122.5 x (1)3 (3:3:41)
162.5 x (1)2 (2:5:43)
192.5 x 1 (1:6:44)
180 x 1 (1:7:45)
160 x 1 (1:8:46)
140 x 1 (1:9:47)
120 x 1 (1:10:48)
70 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

192.5kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Axle Bench Press:
((110 x 10) + (15 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (35 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (55 x 5))1

Axle Bench Press:
75 x 5
95 x 4
115 x 3
135 x 1

bw x 6
bw x 8
bw x 10
bw + 8 x 6
bw + 8 x 8
bw + 8 x 10

Monday, November 18, 2019

2019NOV18 (SED D2.W23) D156

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
77.5 x (1)5
127.5 x (1)4 (4:4:21)
167.5 x (1)3 (3:7:24)
187.5 x (1)2 (2:9:26)
160 x (1)5 (5:14:31)
140 x (1)4 (4:18:35)
120 x (1)3 (3:21:38)
70 x 1
20 x 1

187.5kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Band Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (Green x 15))3

Axle Reverse Curl to Axle Overhead French Press:
((15 x 1) + (15 x 1))10
((20 x 1) + (20 x 1))10
((25 x 1) + (25 x 1))10

Sunday, November 17, 2019

2019NOV17 (SED D1.W23) D155

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
72.5 x (1)3
122.5 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
152.5 x (1)4 (4:9:9)
172.5 x (1)3 (3:12:12)
182.5 x (1)2 (2:14:14)
170 x 1 (1:15:15)
150 x 1 (1:16:16)
120 x 1 (1:17:17)
70 x 1
20 x 1

182.5kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

Standing Band Tricep Pushdown + Standing Band Curl:
((Green2 + Purple x 25) + (Orange x 10))1
((Green2 + Purple x 20) + (Orange x 10))1
((Green2 + Purple x 15) + (Orange x 10))1

Saturday, November 16, 2019

2019NOV16 (SED D7.W22) D154 (95)

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:81)
160 x (1)3 (3:7:84)
190 x (1)2 (2:9:86)
160 x (1)5 (5:14:91)
120 x (1)4 (4:18:95)
70 x 1
20 x 1

190kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Seal Row:
((110 x 10) + (70 x 6))1
((110 x 10) + (90 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (110 x 4))1

Seal Row:
110 x (1 @ E30S)10

Friday, November 15, 2019

2019NOV15 (SED D6.W22) D153

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
120 x (1)5 (5:5:64)
150 x (1)4 (4:9:68)
170 x (1)3 (3:12:71)
180 x (1)2 (2:14:73)
185 x 1 (1:15:74)
170 x 1 (1:16:75)
150 x 1 (1:17:76)
120 x 1 (1:18:77)
70 x 1
20 x 1

185kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

Thursday, November 14, 2019

2019NOV14 (SED D5.W22) D152

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:44)
150 x (1)2 (2:5:46)
170 x 1 (1:6:47)
130 x (1)3 (3:9:50)
160 x (1)2 (2:11:52)
180 x 1 (1:12:53)
140 x (1)5 (5:17:58)
120 x 1 (1:18:59)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Axel Bench Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((15 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((35 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((55 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

Axel Bench Press:
65 x 5
85 x 4
105 x 3
125 x 2
145 x F

* Notes:

- Still continuing with the back squats to add a little spice to the daily squatting.  The axel bench press was a hot nightmare.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

2019NOV13 (SED D4.W22) D151

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)5 (5:5:35)
150 x (1)5 (5:10:40)
182 x 1 (1:11:41)

182kg Back Squat

* Notes:

- What happened to the front squats?  I'm sure you're wondering why they weren't performed today and to answer your question it's because I got fucking bored as hell with them and needed a change.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

2019NOV12 (SED D3.W22) D150

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:2:23)
120 x (1)2 (2:4:25)
140 x (1)2 (2:6:27)
130 x (1)2 (2:8:29)
150 x 1 (1:9:30)
160 x F

150kg Front Squat

Axel Bench Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((40 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((60 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((80 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

* Notes:

- Today was a disaster.  I missed 160kg -- a weight I was doing with ease yesterday.  What the hell happened?

Monday, November 11, 2019

2019NOV11 (SED D2.W22) D149

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
130 x (1)3 (3:3:14)
160 x (1)3 (3:6:17)
140 x 1 (1:7:18)
120 x 1 (1:8:19)
140 x 1 (1:9:20)
120 x 1 (1:10:21)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

Sunday, November 10, 2019

2019NOV10 (SED D1.W22) D148

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
90 x 1
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)2
110 x 1
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:1)
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:3:3)
150 x 1 (1:4:4)
130 x (1)3 (3:7:7)
145 x (1)2 (2:9:9)
160 x 1 (1:10:10)
140 x 1 (1:11:11)
110 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

Saturday, November 9, 2019

2019NOV09 (SED D7.W21) D147 (77)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)5
100 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:71)
140 x (1)3 (3:7:74)
160 x (1)2 (2:9:76)
120 x 1 (1:10:77)
100 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap):
110 x (10)3

Seal Rows:
70 x 6
80 x 6
90 x 6
100 x 6

Friday, November 8, 2019

2019NOV08 (SED D6.W21) D146

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:2:56)

120kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- I had to end my workout short this morning because my right knee felt like it was going to split in two.  The button that was implanted in connection with my ACL reconstruction surgery from over 10 years ago felt as though it was shearing.  To say it was painful is an understatement.  It felt like a knife was being applied to the site around the button.  I decided to call it a day.

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:57)
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:59)
140 x 1 (1:4:60)
120 x (1)3 (3:7:63)
140 x (1)2 (2:9:65)
160 x 1 (1:10:66)
140 x 1 (1:11:67)
110 x 1
60 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

* Notes:

- The morning started off rough with the pain to the right knee but after walking around and getting the knee to warm up; plus, opening my stance in the squat made a huge difference.  I was able to return to the squat rack and get back up to 160kg without any knee issues.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

2019NOV07 (SED D5.W21) D145

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
110 x (1)4
140 x (1)3 (3:3:47)
160 x (1)2 (2:5:49)
140 x (1)5 (5:10:54)
110 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Axel Bench Press:
((110 x 10) + (20 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (40 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (60 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (80 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (100 x 5))1

Axel Bench Press:
120 x 4
130 x 3
140 x 2
130 x 2
120 x 4
110 x 6

* Notes:

- I'll have to admit that the front squats are starting to get dry.  The bench press at 140kg for a double was life threatening. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

2019NOV06 (SED D4.W21) D144

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)3 (3:3:37)
145 x (1)2 (2:5:39)
160 x F
70 x 1
110 x 1
140 x 1 (1:6:40)
160 x 1 (1:7:41)
140 x 1 (1:8:42)
130 x 1 (1:9:43)
120 x 1 (1:10:44)
110 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- A missed 160kg due to a barbell that was sliding off my right shoulder, or maybe because I've been in a slump lately where the weights feel heavy as hell?  However, to my defense, I did manage to front squat 160kg after my failed first attempt -- without a belt no less.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

2019NOV05 (SED D3.W21) D143

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)4
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:27)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:29)
160 x 1 (1:6:30)
140 x 1 (1:7:31)
130 x 1 (1:8:32)
120 x 1 (1:9:33)
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl + Quad Temper:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15) + (Pin x 60s))3

Monday, November 4, 2019

2019NOV04 (SED D2.W21) D142

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)2
70 x 1
60 x (1)2
80 x 1
70 x (1)2
90 x 1
80 x (1)2
100 x 1
90 x (1)2
110 x 1
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:12)
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:2:13)
120 x (1)2 (2:4:15)
140 x 1 (1:5:16)
130 x (1)2 (2:7:18)
150 x 1 (1:8:19)
140 x (1)2 (2:10:21)
160 x 1 (1:11:22)
150 x (1)2 (2:13:24)
170 x F

160kg Front Squat

Superman Row + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((60 x 6) + (110 x 10))3

Superman Row:
80 x 6
90 x 6
100 x 6

Sunday, November 3, 2019

2019NOV03 (SED D1.W21) D141

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:1)
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:3:3)
160 x 1 (1:4:4)
120 x (1)3 (3:7:7)
140 x (1)2 (2:9:9)
160 x 1 (1:10:10)
140 x 1 (1:11:11)
110 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Axel Bench Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((15 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((35 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((55 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

Axel Bench Press:
75 x 5
95 x 5
115 x 4
135 x 2
120 x (2)5

* Notes:

- Slightly better today compared to yesterday, but the first 160kg front squat was a serious gut check.  What's going on with me?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

2019NOV02 (SED D7.W20) D140 (84)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
60 x (1)2
90 x (1)2
80 x 1
110 x 1
100 x 1
130 x 1 (1:1:75)
120 x 1 (1:2:76)
150 x 1 (1:3:77)
130 x (1)4 (4:7:81)
120 x (1)3 (3:10:84)
110 x 1
60 x 1
20 x 1

150kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 10))3

* Notes:

- I believe all the traveling and eating less than ideally has finally caught up with me.  The weights lately have felt much heavier than normal and the 150kg front squat today was ungodly heavy.  I need to tighten down my diet, sleep and recovery. 

Friday, November 1, 2019

2019NOV01 (SED D6.W20) D139

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
125 x 1 (1:1:61)
100 x (1)3
125 x (1)2 (2:3:63)
150 x 1 (1:4:64)
125 x (1)3 (3:7:67)
150 x (1)2 (2:9:69)
175 x F
120 x 1 (1:10:70)
140 x 1 (1:11:71)
160 x 1 (1:12:72)
140 x 1 (1:13:73)
120 x 1 (1:14:74)
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Hand Release Pull Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 2))3

Pull Up:
bw x 2
bw + 8 x 2
bw + 12 x 2
bw + 16 x 2
bw + 20 x 2
bw x 2

Seated Wrist Curl:
20 x (20)5

Thursday, October 31, 2019

2019OCT31 (SED D5.W20) D138

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:49)
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:51)
140 x 1 (1:4:52)
120 x (1)3 (3:7:55)
140 x (1)2 (2:9:57)
160 x 1 (1:10:58)
140 x 1 (1:11:59)
120 x 1 (1:12:60)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

2019OCT30 (REST)


- Today's day of rest wasn't planned.  I should have packed some workout attire for my house hunting trip to Columbia, Missouri; but, I didn't, because I wasn't expecting to get diverted from Columbia to Peoria, Illinois to pick up our van which had been damaged several weeks ago due to a collision with a deer.  As fate would have it, during our return trip to Kentucky, the collision center notified us that our van was ready for pickup -- giving us approximately 3 1/2 hours to drive from St. Louis to Peoria.  Needless to say, it was a very close call with only 15 minutes to spare before the collision center closed.  To make matters more unnerving we still had to fuel and drop off our rental car.  Thankfully, an Enterprise-Rent-A-Car center was located a couple blocks away from the collision center, along with a Circle K gas station -- what luck!  We made the drop off of the rental car with 4 minutes until they closed.  It was absolute chaos.  Afterwards, we found ourselves with another 6 hour drive back home to Kentucky, in the rain no less.  14 hours from the time we got in our rental with the intent on driving home to Kentucky, we found ourselves finally home.  A drive that normally takes 5 1/2 to 6 hours was more than doubled and we finally arrived home safely at 2:30 a.m. on Halloween.  It was a crazy drive filled with delays, wrecks, road construction, and foul weather, so by the time I arrived there wasn't any motivation nor energy to get my front squats done.  Additionally, the 24 hour period had passed along with my streak of squatting consecutively everyday for the past 137 days.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

2019OCT29 (SED D4.W20) D137

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:37)
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:39)
140 x 1 (1:4:40)
120 x (1)3 (3:7:43)
140 x (1)2 (2:9:45)
160 x 1 (1:10:46)
120 x (1)2 (2:12:48)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Axel Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((15 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((35 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((55 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

Axle Press:
75 x 2

* Notes:

- I should have done more axle presses, but after the superset with the reverse hypers I was tired and on a time crush to finish early so I could get back to packing.  Plus, having a sore low back convinced me that the front squats were enough for one day, so I cut the workout short.

Monday, October 28, 2019

2019OCT28 (SED D3.W20) D136

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
80 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
140 x 1 (1:1:25)
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:3:27)
170 x 1 (1:4:28)
150 x (1)2 (2:6:30)
140 x (1)2 (2:8:32)
130 x (1)2 (2:10:34)
120 x (1)2 (2:12:36)

170kg Front Squat

Superman Row + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((50 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((70 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((90 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

Superman Row:
110 x 3
110 x 2
110 x 1
90 x 5
70 x 5
50 x 5

* Notes:

- 30kg jumps to 170kg for a single, I'd say that's progress.  170kg is becoming more and more of a routine lift.  I believe the 182kg goal weight is around the corner.  Soon, but I must remain patient and put in the work.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

2019OCT27 (SED D2.W20) D135

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
130 x (1)3 (3:3:15)
160 x (1)3 (3:6:18)
140 x (1)3 (3:9:21)
120 x (1)3 (3:12:24)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Axel Bench Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((40 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((60 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((80 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((100 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

Axel Bench Press:
120 x 5
140 x 1
120 x 4
140 x 1
120 x 3
140 x 1
120 x 2
140 x 1
120 x 1
140 x 1

* Notes:

- I decided on caution today after yesterday's 170kg front squat, so the top set was only 160kg.  It moved fairly well and I could have done more but three singles at 160kg (for today) was more than sufficient.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

2019OCT26 (SED D1.W20) D134

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:1)
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:3:3)
150 x 1 (1:4:4)
130 x (1)3 (3:7:7)
150 x (1)2 (2:9:9)
170 x 1 (1:10:10)
160 x 1 (1:11:11)
130 x 1 (1:12:12)
90 x 1
40 x 1
20 x 1

170kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

* Notes:

- Two days in a row of squatting 170kg?  I can't explain this.  Especially after, all the sitting on my ass that I've done in the past 72 hours from driving back and forth to Columbia -- I'm stumped.

Friday, October 25, 2019

2019OCT25 (SED D7.W19) D133 (78)

Front Squat:
20 (45lbs) x (1)3
43 (95lbs) x (1)3
61 (135lbs) x (1)3
84 (185lbs) x (1)3
102 (225lbs) x (1)2
125 (275lbs) x 1 (1:1:67)
102 (225lbs) x (1)3
125 (275lbs) x (1)2 (2:3:69)
147 (325lbs) x 1 (1:4:70)
125 (275lbs) x (1)3 (3:7:73)
147 (325lbs) x (1)2 (2:9:75)
170 (375lbs) x 1 (1:10:76)
147 (325lbs) x 1 (1:11:77)
125 (275lbs) x 1 (1:12:78)
104 (225lbs) x 1
61 (135lbs) x 1
20 (45lbs) x 1

170kg (375lbs) Front Squat

* Notes:

- Quick workout while visiting Columbia in search of a home.  I was surprised to have made 170kg.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

2019OCT24 (SED D6.W19) D132

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)6
100 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:60)
140 x (1)3 (3:7:63)
160 x 1 (1:8:64)
140 x (1)2 (2:10:66)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 20))1

* Notes:

- Almost died under the 160kg today.  Dead.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

2019OCT23 (SED D5.W19) D131

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
60 x 1
80 x 1
100 x 1
70 x 1
90 x 1
110 x 1
80 x 1
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:1:46)
90 x 1
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:2:47)
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:3:48)
140 x 1 (1:4:49)
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:5:50)
150 x 1 (1:6:51)
120 x 1 (1:7:52)
140 x 1 (1:8:53)
160 x 1 (1:9:54)
130 x 1 (1:10:55)
120 x 1 (1:11:56)
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- Nothing but front squats today.  I didn't even perform any accessory work because I had to tear the platform down in preparation for the move.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2019OCT22 (SED D4.W19) D130

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
52.5 x (1)3
75 x (1)3
102.5 x (1)2
125 x 1 (1:1:35)
105 x (1)3
132.5 x (1)2 (2:3:37)
155 x 1 (1:4:38)
135 x (1)3 (3:7:41)
162.5 x (1)3 (3:10:44)
122.5 x 1 (1:11:45)
102.5 x 1
72.5 x 1
52.5 x 1
20 x 1

162.5kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 5))3

bw + 8 x 5
bw + 12 x 5
bw + 16 x 5
bw + 20 x 5
bw + 24 x 5
bw x 10

Monday, October 21, 2019

2019OCT21 (SED D3.W19) D129

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:2:26)
150 x 1 (1:3:27)
130 x (1)3 (3:6:30)
160 x (1)2 (2:8:32)
140 x (1)2 (2:10:34)
100 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Axel Press:
((110 x 10) + (15 x 1)2)3

Axel Press:
35 x 1
55 x 1
75 x 1
65 x (1)5
85 x 1
75 x (1)5

* Notes:

- Considering yesterday's PR of 175kg, I decided to take it relatively easy today, so nothing more than 160kg.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

2019OCT20 (SED D2.W19) D128

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)4
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:2:11)
160 x 1 (1:3:14)
120 x (1)4 (4:7:18)
140 x (1)3 (3:10:21)
160 x 1 (1:11:22)
140 x 1 (1:12:23)
120 x 1 (1:13:24)
70 x 1

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Superman Row:
((110 x 10) + (70 x 6))3
((110 x 10) + (90 x 3))2

Superman Row:
110 x (1)5

* Notes:

- A little redemption today after yesterday's failed attempt at 165kg.  Although the weight was lighter by 5kg, it went up fairly well -- a confidence boost that I needed.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

2019OCT19 (SED D1.W19) D127

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
45 x (1)3
75 x (1)3
95 x (1)2
115 x 1
95 x (1)3
115 x (1)2
135 x 1 (1:1:1)
115 x (1)3
135 x (1)2 (2:3:3)
155 x 1 (1:4:4)
125 x (1)3 (3:7:7)
145 x (1)2 (2:9:9)
165 x F

155kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- Today was rough.  My low and mid back on my left side was giving me some grief today.  Even with the strain and tightness, I figured I could pull off 165kg -- boy, was I wrong!  Definitely not the day that I had anticipated but I still was able to at least front squat 155kg -- with a bad back.  Hopefully, things will change for the better tomorrow.

Friday, October 18, 2019

2019OCT18 (SED D7.W18) D126 (76)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
45 x (1)3
75 x (1)3
95 x (1)2
115 x 1
95 x (1)3
115 x (1)2
135 x 1 (1:1:65)
115 x (1)3
135 x (1)2 (2:3:67)
155 x 1 (1:4:68)
135 x (1)3 (3:7:71)
155 x (1)2 (2:9:73)
175 x 1 (1:10:74) * PR
155 x 1 (1:11:75)
125 x 1 (1:12:76)
75 x 1
20 x 1

175kg Front Squat * PR

* Notes:

- Finally nailed a 175kg PR.  I've done this weight before for a triple, so technically it's not a PR but more of a recent PR.  Regardless, I'm celebrating!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

2019OCT17 (SED D6.W18) D125

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
42.5 x (1)3
72.5 x (1)3
92.5 x (1)2
102.5 x 1
92.5 x (1)3
112.5 x (1)2
122.5 x 1 (1:1:55)
112.5 x (1)3
132.5 x (1)2 (2:3:57)
142.5 x 1 (1:4:58)
132.5 x (1)3 (3:7:61)
152.5 x (1)2 (2:9:63)
162.5 x 1 (1:10:64)

162.5kg Front Squat

Axel Bench Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((40 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((60 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((80 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((100 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

Axel Bench Press:
120 x (2)5
140 x 1
150 x F

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

2019OCT16 (SED D5.W18) D124

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:45)
90 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:47)
140 x 1 (1:4:48)
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:6:50)
160 x 1 (1:7:51)
130 x (1)3 (3:10:54)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (1.25 x 15))3

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

2019OCT15 (SED D4.W18) D123

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:34)
100 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:3:36)
150 x 1 (1:4:37)
120 x (1)3 (3:7:40)
150 x 1 (1:8:41)
170 x 1 (1:9:42) * PR MATCH
150 x 1 (1:10:43)

170kg Front Squat * PR MATCH

Hand Release Pull Up + Front Squat:
((bw x 2) + (120 x 1))1 (1:11:44)
((bw x 2) + (100 x 1))1
((bw x 2) + (70 x 1))1
((bw x 2) + (40 x 1))1
((bw x 2) + (20 x 1))1

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw + 8 x (2)5

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Band Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (Green x 15))3

Monday, October 14, 2019

2019OCT14 (SED D3.W18) D122

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:23)
140 x 1 (1:2:24)
120 x (1)2 (2:4:26)
150 x 1 (1:5:27)
120 x (1)3 (3:8:30)
140 x (1)2 (2:10:32)
160 x 1 (1:11:33)

160kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- Last workout at the farm before heading back to Kentucky without our van.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

2019OCT13 (SED D2.W18) D121

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)4
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:12)
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:14)
140 x 1 (1:4:15)
120 x (1)3 (3:7:18)
140 x (1)2 (2:9:20)
160 x 1 (1:10:21)
140 x 1 (1:11:22)
100 x 1
50 x 1

160kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- Crushed my van into a deer this morning and lifting is exactly what I needed to help vent off some of my stress and frustration.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

2019OCT12 (SED D1.W18) D120

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
100 x 1
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:1)
100 x 1
130 x 1 (1:2:2)
110 x 1
140 x 1 (1:3:3)
120 x 1 (1:4:4)
150 x 1 (1:5:5)
130 x 1 (1:6:6)
160 x 1 (1:7:7)
140 x 1 (1:8:8)
120 x 1 (1:9:9)
140 x 1 (1:10:10)
120 x 1 (1:11:11)
100 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1

160kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- More of the same but this time back with the kilos!

Friday, October 11, 2019

2019OCT11 (SED D7.W17) D119 (88)

Front Squat:
45 (20) x (1)5
95 (43) x (1)3
185 (84) x (1)5
235 (106) x (1)3
275 (125) x (1)2 (2:2:80)
325 (147) x 1 (1:3:81)
305 (138) x (1)3 (3:6:84)
355 (161) x (1)2 (2:8:86)
365 (165) x 1 (1:9:87)
275 (125) x 1 (1:10:88)
185 (84) x 1
95 (43) x 1

365lbs (165kg) Front Squat

* Notes:

- I know I've said this in the past but... I hate pound plates!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

2019OCT10 (SED D6.W17) D118

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:2:68)
140 x 1 (1:3:69)
130 x (1)3 (3:6:72)
150 x 1 (1:7:73)
140 x (1)2 (2:9:75)
160 x 1 (1:10:76)
120 x (1)2 (2:12:78)
100 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1

160kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- A quick front squat session before getting back into the van to head out to Columbia Missouri to continue the house hunting process.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

2019OCT09 (SED D5.W17) D117

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)5
70 x (1)4
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:2:57)
140 x 1 (1:3:58)
120 x (1)3 (3:6:61)
150 x 1 (1:7:62)
130 x (1)4 (4:11:66)
100 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1

150kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- First day of lifting at the farm after a 7 hour car ride.  I didn't want to push it too much and stayed conservative with a top set at 150kg.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

2019OCT08 (SED D4.W17) D116

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
60 x (1)2
80 x 1
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)2
100 x 1
120 x (1)3 (3:3:47)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:49)
160 x 1 (1:6:50)
140 x (1)3 (3:9:53)
160 x (1)2 (2:11:55)
182 x F

160kg Front Squat

Bench Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((40 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((60 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((80 x 5) + (110 x 10))1
((100 x 5) + (110 x 10))1

Bench Press:
120 x 4
140 x 2
160 x F
120 x (2)2
122.5 x (2)2
125 x (2)2
127.5 x (2)2

Standing Band Tricep Pushdown:
Purple2 x 50/25/15/10

Monday, October 7, 2019

2019OCT07 (SED D3.W17) D115

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
110 x 1
70 x (1)3
110 x (1)3
140 x 1 (1:1:23)
110 x (1)2
140 x (1)2 (2:3:35)
160 x 1 (1:4:36)
140 x (1)2 (2:6:38)
160 x (1)2 (2:8:40)
140 x (1)2 (2:10:42)
120 x (1)2 (2:12:44)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (1.25 x 15))3

Sunday, October 6, 2019

2019OCT06 (SED D2.W17) D114

Front Squat:
20 x (1)10
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)4
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:2:12)
160 x 1 (1:3:13)
140 x (1)4 (4:7:17)
130 x (1)3 (3:10:20)
120 x (1)2 (2:12:22)

160kg Front Squat

Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 1) + (110 x 15))3

40 x (1)3
60 x (1)2
80 x 1
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)2
70 x (1)3
90 x F

Saturday, October 5, 2019

2019OCT05 (SED D1.W17) D113

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)6
120 x (1)2 (2:2:2)
140 x 1 (1:3:3)
130 x (1)2 (2:5:5)
150 x 1 (1:6:6)
160 x 1 (1:7:7)
120 x (1)3 (3:10:10)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Roller) + Hand Release Superman Row:
((110 x 10) + (70 x 5))3

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Hand Release Superman Row:
((110 x 10) + (70 x 5))2

Hand Release Superman Row:
80 x 5
90 x 4
100 x 3
110 x 2

* Notes:

- Today was rough.  No, today was fucking rough as hell!  The 160kg front squat was the toughest and most challenging 160kg I've done in a long time -- talk about grinding!  Fuck me!  I should probably warm up more and leave the 50kg jumps to the pros.

Friday, October 4, 2019

2019OCT04 (SED D7.W16) D112 (70)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)6
120 x (1)4 (4:4:64)
140 x (1)3 (3:7:67)
160 x (1)2 (2:9:69)
170 x 1 (1:10:70)

170kg Front Squat * PR MATCH

Reverse Hyper (Strap):
110 x (15)3

Thursday, October 3, 2019

2019OCT03 (SED D6.W16) D111

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
45 x (1)3
75 x (1)4
115 x (1)3
145 x (1)2 (2:2:52)
165 x 1 (1:3:53)
145 x 1 (1:4:54)
142.5 x 1 (1:5:55)
140 x 1 (1:6:56)
137.5 x 1 (1:7:57)
135 x 1 (1:8:58)
132.5 x 1 (1:9:59)
130 x 1 (1:10:60)

165kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 5)3

bw + 12 x 5
bw + 20 x 5
bw + 16 x 5
bw + 24 x 5
bw + 20 x 5
bw + 28 x 5
bw + 24 x 5

Standing Band Overhead Tricep Extension:
Orange x (10)3

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

2019OCT02 (SED D5.W16) D110

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)4
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:2:42)
160 x (1)3 (3:5:45)
140 x (1)2 (2:7:47)
120 x (1)3 (3:10:50)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (1.25 x 20))3

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

2019OCT01 (SED D4.W16) D109

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)6
90 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:34)
140 x (1)3 (3:7:37)
160 x (1)2 (2:9:39)
140 x 1 (1:10:40)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Hand Release Pull Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 2))5

Block Clean Pull + Hand Release Pull Up:
((50 x 2) + (bw x 2))5

Monday, September 30, 2019

2019SEP30 (SED D3.W16) D108

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
45 x (1)3
75 x (1)4
115 x (1)3
145 x (1)2 (2:2:22)
165 x 1 (1:3:23)
145 x (1)3 (2:3:26)
142.5 x 1 (1:7:27)
140 x 1 (1:8:28)
137.5 x 1 (1:9:29)
135 x 1 (1:10:30)

165kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 15))3

* Notes:

- In an ideal world, today I would have squatted 182kg, but it's not.  Considering all the recent injuries, I'm content with making this lift at 165kg.  I'll chase the 182kg when I start feeling better.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

2019SEP29 (SED D2.W16) D107

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)4
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:2:12)
160 x 1 (1:3:13)
140 x 1 (1:4:14)
137.5 x 1 (1:5:15)
135 x 1 (1:6:16)
132.5 x 1 (1:7:17)
130 x 1 (1:8:18)
127.5 x 1 (1:9:19)
125 x 1 (1:10:20)

160kg Front Squat

Bench Press:
20 x (5)2
70 x (5)2
90 x (4)2
110 x 3
135 x 2
160 x F * not even close!

Bench Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((120 x 2) + (110 x 10))5

Bench Press:
120 x (2)5

* Notes:

- I was slightly hesitant on working out today due to my strained back and abdomen.  I was seriously in a hurt locker yesterday with unpredictable and involuntary muscle spasms throughout my abdomen causing shortness of breath and stability issues.  Sleep was less than desirable with the inability to move or twist without pain, so I had to sleep entirely on my back like a vampire.  Regardless, I managed to get my front squats done.  I was extremely cautious and deliberate with my movements; as such, I was able to surprisingly walk away with a top set at 160kg.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

2019SEP28 (SED D1.W16) D106

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x 1
62.5 x 1
65 x 1
67.5 x 1
70 x 1
72.5 x 1
92.5 x 1
95 x 1
97.5 x 1
100 x 1
102.5 x 1
122.5 x 1 (1:1:1)
125 x 1 (1:2:2)
127.5 x 1 (1:3:3)
147.5 x 1 (1:4:4)
150 x 1 (1:5:5)
170 x 1 (1:6:6)
150 x 1 (1:7:7)
140 x 1 (1:8:8)
130 x 1 (1:9:9)
120 x 1 (1:10:10)

170kg Front Squat * PR MATCH

* Notes:

- I'm not at 100% today.  During my warm up, I somehow managed to strain my upper back and possibly the cartilage between my ribs.  It's most noticeable when taking heavy breaths and bending over by allowing my thoracic spine to flex.  It doesn't feel great, but wasn't enough to stop me from squatting today.  Even with the "injury," I was able to front squat up to my most recent PR max of 170kg with relative ease.  This genuinely gives me hope for the coming weeks to break past the 182kg mark!

Friday, September 27, 2019

2019SEP27 (SED D7.W15) D105 (70)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
62.5 x (1)6
82.5 x (1)5
102.5 x (1)4
122.5 x (1)3 (3:3:63)
142.5 x (1)2 (2:5:65)
162.5 x 1 (1:6:66)
142.5 x 1 (1:7:67)
145 x 1 (1:8:68)
147.5 x 1 (1:9:69)
150 x 1 (1:10:70)

162.5kg Front Squat

Press + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 1) + (110 x 10))1
((32.5 x 1) + (110 x 10))1
((42.5 x 1) + (110 x 10))1
((52.5 x 1) + (110 x 10))1
((62.5 x 1) + (110 x 10))1

72.5 x 1
82.5 x 1
92.5 x 1 * PR
100 x F
72.5 x (1)5

92.5kg Press

* Notes:

- A new PR with the press after a fairly easy 162.5kg front squat!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

2019SEP26 (SED D6.W15) D104

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)6
80 x (1)5
100 x (1)4
120 x (1)3 (3:3:53)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:55)
160 x 1 (1:6:56)
150 x 1 (1:7:57)
140 x 1 (1:8:58)
130 x 1 (1:9:59)
120 x 1 (1:10:60)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (1.25 x 15))3

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

2019SEP25 (SED D5.W15) D103

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)6
80 x (1)5
100 x (1)4
120 x (1)3 (3:3:43)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:45)
160 x 1 (1:6:46) * Paused
140 x (1)4 (4:10:50)

160kg Paused Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Hand Release Superman Row:
((110 x 5) + (70 x 5))3

Hand Release Superman Row:
90 x (2)10

* Notes:

- I can surmise that progress is being made when I can pause (albeit, momentarily) front squat 160kg.  Things are definitely working!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

2019SEP24 (SED D4.W15) D102

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
62.5 x (1)4
82.5 x (1)2
102.5 x 1
82.5 x (1)3
102.5 x (1)2
122.5 x 1 (1:1:31)
102.5 x (1)3
122.5 x (1)2 (2:3:33)
142.5 x 1 (1:4:34)
122.5 x (1)3 (3:7:37)
142.5 x (1)2 (2:9:39)
162.5 x 1 (1:10:60)

162.5kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 5))5

((bw + 12 x 4) + (bw x 6))1
((bw + 16 x 4) + (bw x 6))1
((bw + 20 x 4) + (bw x 6))1
((bw + 24 x 4) + (bw x 6))1
((bw + 28 x 4) + (bw x 6))1

Monday, September 23, 2019

2019SEP23 (SED D3.W15) D101

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)6
80 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:21)
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:23)
140 x 1 (1:4:24)
120 x (1)3 (3:7:27)
140 x (1)2 (2:9:29)
160 x 1 (1:10:30)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Pull Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 2))5

Pull Up:
((bw + 12 x 1) + (bw x 1))1
((bw + 12 x 2) + (bw x 2))1
((bw + 12 x 3) + (bw x 3))1
((bw + 12 x 2) + (bw x 2))1
((bw + 12 x 1) + (bw x 1))1
bw x (1)2

* Notes:

- I was experiencing a little low back pain on my right side today.  More so, with my right hip area, but managed to get to my goal weight of 160kg without much issue.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

2019SEP22 (SED D2.W15) D100

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
62.5 x (1)6
82.5 x (1)5
102.5 x (1)4
122.5 x (1)3 (3:3:13)
142.5 x (1)2 (2:5:15)
162.5 x 1 (1:6:16)
122.5 x (1)4 (4:10:20)

162.5kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (1.25 x 10))3

Saturday, September 21, 2019

2019SEP21 (SED D1.W15) D99

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)6
80 x (1)5
100 x (1)4
120 x (1)3 (3:3:3)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:5)
160 x 1 (1:6:6)
140 x (1)4 (4:10:10)

160kg Front Squat

Bench Press:
20 x (5)2
50 x (5)2
70 x (5)2
90 x (4)2
110 x 3
130 x 2
150 x 1
115 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1 * PR

155kg Bench Press * PR

* Notes:

- I finally got that 155kg bench press that I've been chasing for a few months now.  I think it would have been considerably easier, had I not done the first wave up to 150kg; but, it's a PR regardless.  Onward to 160kg!

Friday, September 20, 2019

2019SEP20 (SED D7.W14) D98 (70)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
90 x 1
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)2
110 x 1
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:61)
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:3:63)
160 x 1 (1:4:64)
130 x (1)3 (3:7:67)
150 x (1)2 (2:9:69)
170 x 1 (1:10:70) * PR Match

170kg Front Squat * PR MATCH

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Band Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (Green x 15))3

* Notes:

- A PR Match is always a good indication that training is going as planned.  Well, in this case, not so planned as I'm using a chaos mindset with the daily squats.  Nevertheless, the 170kg was after an easy initial wave up to 160kg.  This is progress.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

2019SEP19 (SED D6.W14) D97

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
90 x (1)4
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:2:52)
150 x 1 (1:3:53)
160 x 1 (1:4:54)
140 x (1)2 (2:6:56)
130 x (1)2 (2:8:58)
120 x (1)2 (2:10:60)

160kg Front Squat

20 x 1
30 x 1
40 x 1
50 x 1
60 x 1
70 x 1
80 x 1
90 x 1
70 x (1)3
77.5 x (1)2
85 x C * right shoulder

90kg Press * PR

Seated Wrist Curl + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((20 x 25) + (1.25 x 20))3

* Notes:

- For the life of me, I can't remember the last time I had a press PR.  I would guess 5 years, if not more.  This was completely unexpected.  Could leg strength have an indirect positive influence on upper body strength?  It seems likely.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

2019SEP18 (SED D5.W14) D96

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)2
110 x 1
90 x 1
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:1:41)
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:2:42)
140 x 1 (1:3:43)
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:4:44)
150 x 1 (1:5:45)
120 x 1 (1:6:46)
140 x 1 (1:7:47)
160 x 1 (1:8:48)
140 x (1)2 (2:10:50)

160kg Front Squat

Superman Row + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((60 x 1 @ 5c Hold) + (110 x 10))3

Superman Row:
70 x 5
80 x 4
90 x 3
100 x 2
110 x 1
90 x 3

* Notes:

- Surprising what some sleep and a positive adjustment to the diet can do.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2019SEP17 (SED D4.W14) D95

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x 1
80 x 1
70 x 1
90 x 1
80 x 1
100 x B
70 x 1
90 x 1
80 x 1
100 x 1
90 x 1
110 x 1
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:1:31)
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:2:32)
120 x 1 (1:3:33)
140 x 1 (1:4:34)
130 x 1 (1:5:35)
150 x 1 (1:6:36)
140 x 1 (1:7:37)
160 x 1 (1:8:38)
120 x (1)2 (2:10:40)

160kg Front Squat

* Notes:

- Bare bones workout today.  I had to break away from the barbell at the initial ramp up once I reached 100kg to take an unexpected dump.  I pull the barbell out of the rack and had the most intense sensation to shit -- not what I was expecting.

- 160kg moved a little better today compared to yesterday. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

2019SEP16 (SED D3.W14) D94

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)2
100 x 1
70 x 1
90 x 1
110 x 1
80 x 1
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:1:21)
90 x 1
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:2:22)
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:3:23)
140 x 1 (1:4:24)
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:5:25)
150 x 1 (1:6:26)
120 x 1 (1:7:27)
140 x 1 (1:8:28)
160 x 1 (1:9:29)
120 x 1 (1:10:30)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 5))5

bw + 8 x 5
bw + 12 x 5
bw + 16 x 5
bw + 20 x 5
bw + 24 x 5
bw x 25

Standing Band Tricep Overhead Extension:
Green x 10
Green2 x (15)3

* Notes:

- Too much whisky and not enough sleep results in the most challenging 160kg front squat that I've experienced since undertaking the squat everyday program.  I need to clean up my diet and find some better sleep habits.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

2019SEP15 (SED D2.W14) D93

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x 1
62 x 1
64 x 1
66 x 1
68 x 1
70 x 1
90 x 1
94 x 1
98 x 1
102 x 1
106 x 1
126 x 1 (1:1:11)
127 x 1 (1:2:12)
128 x 1 (1:3:13)
129 x 1 (1:4:14)
149 x 1 (1:5:15)
152 x 1 (1:6:16)
155 x 1 (1:7:17)
160 x 1 (1:8:18)
140 x 1 (1:9:19)
145 x 1 (1:10:20)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Band Face Pull + Good Morning:
((110 x 10) + (Green x 10) + (20 x 6))3

Saturday, September 14, 2019

2019SEP14 (SED D1.W14) D92

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
61 x 1
62 x 1
63 x 1
64 x 1
65 x 1
85 x 1
86 x 1
87 x 1
88 x 1
108 x 1
109 x 1
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:1:1)
131 x 1 (1:2:2)
151 x 1 (1:3:3)
142 x 1 (1:4:4)
143 x 1 (1:5:5)
163 x 1 (1:6:6)
144 x 1 (1:7:7)
145 x 1 (1:8:8)
146 x 1 (1:9:9)
147 x 1 (1:10:10)

163kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Pull Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 2))5

Pull Up:
bw + 8 x 3/2/1
bw + 12 x 3/2/1
bw + 16 x 3/2/1

Seated Wrist Curl:
20 x (25)4

* Notes:

- I was trying to mix things up today by doing a semi-chaotic increase in weights and it kinda worked.  I finished off the front squats at 163kg, which didn't seem to challenging.  I might give this unorthodox method another run in the next couple of days.

Friday, September 13, 2019

2019SEP13 (SED D7.W13) D91 (70)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)2
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:1:65)
140 x 1 (1:2:66)
160 x 1 (1:3:67)
140 x 1 (1:4:68)
130 x 1 (1:5:69)
120 x 1 (1:6:70)

160kg Front Squat

Bench Press:
20 x (5)2
55 x 5
75 x 5
95 x 4
115 x 3
135 x 2
155 x M * Extremely Close Miss
115 x (2)5 * EMOM

* Notes:

- The missed bench press at 155kg was agonizing.  It was so damn close but I stalled in the press.  I lost momentum and speed, resulting in a failed lift.  I'll get it next time.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

2019SEP12 (SED D6.W13) D90

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)2
100 x 1
90 x 1
110 x 1 (1:1:53)
130 x 1 (1:2:54)
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:3:55)
140 x 1 (1:4:56)
110 x 1 (1:5:57)
130 x 1 (1:6:58)
150 x 1 (1:7:59)
120 x 1 (1:8:60)
140 x 1 (1:9:61)
160 x 1 (1:10:62)

160kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Band Cuban Curl:
((110 x 10) + (Green x 20))3

* Notes:

- 160kg seems very doable on any given day.  Progress!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

2019SEP11 (SED D5.W13) D89

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)2
100 x 1
70 x 1
90 x 1
110 x 1 (1:1:41)
80 x 1
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:2:42)
90 x 1
110 x 1 (1:3:43)
130 x 1 (1:4:44)
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:5:45)
140 x 1 (1:6:46)
110 x 1 (1:7:47)
130 x 1 (1:8:48)
150 x 1 (1:9:49)
120 x 1 (1:10:50)
140 x 1 (1:11:51)
160 x 1 (1:12:52)

160kg Front Squat

20 x (1)3
40 x (1)2
50 x 1
45 x 1
55 x 1
65 x 1
50 x 1
60 x 1
70 x 1
55 x 1
65 x 1
75 x 1
55 x (1)3

* Notes:

- Presses are my nemesis.  I personally hate doing them because I'm so weak at performing them.  But however weak, I've returned to adding them back into my repertoire of exercises in hopes of getting better at them.  Only time will tell.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

2019SEP10 (SED D4.W13) D88

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)5
80 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x (1)2 (2:2:32)
140 x 1 (1:3:33)
130 x (1)2 (2:5:35)
150 x 1 (1:6:36)
140 x (1)2 (2:8:38)
160 x 1 (1:9:39)
150 x 1 (1:10:40)

160kg Front Squat

Superman Row + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((55 @ 5c Hold x 1) + (110 x 10))3
((65 @ 5c Hold x 1) + (110 x 10))2

Superman Row (Hand Release):
75 x 5
85 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5

Monday, September 9, 2019

2019SEP09 (SED D3.W13) D87

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)5
80 x (1)4
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:23)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:25)
160 x 1 (1:6:26)
140 x (1)4 (4:10:30)

160kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 2) + (110 x 10))5

bw + 8 x 2
bw + 12 x 2
bw + 16 x 2
bw + 20 x 2
bw + 24 x 2
bw + 28 x 2
bw + 32 x 2
bw x 6

Sunday, September 8, 2019

2019SEP08 (SED D2.W13) D86

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
60 x (1)3
80 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:13)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:15)
160 x 1 (1:6:16)
140 x 1 (1:7:17)
130 x 1 (1:8:18)
120 x 1 (1:9:19)
110 x 1 (1:10:20)

160kg Front Squat

Pull Up:
bw x (1)5
bw + 8 x (1)3
bw + 12 x (1)2
bw + 16 x 1
bw + 12 x (1)3
bw + 16 x (1)2
bw + 20 x 1
bw + (1)3

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Band Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (Green x 20))3

Saturday, September 7, 2019

2019SEP07 (SED D1.W13) D85

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
90 x 1
110 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
130 x (1)3 (3:8:8)
150 x 1 (1:9:9)
130 x 1 (1:10:10)

150kg Front Squat

Bench Press:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
90 x (1)4
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2
150 x 1 * PR
160 x M

150kg Bench Press

* Notes:

- 150kg bench press PR!!!  Who would have known that several months ago with all the shoulder issues that I'd been struggling with for years would get better with the introduction of bench press into my workout.

Friday, September 6, 2019

2019SEP06 (SED D7.W12) D84 (70)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
55 x (1)3
75 x (1)2
95 x 1
75 x 1
95 x 1
85 x 1
105 x 1
95 x 1
115 x 1 (1:1:61)
105 x 1
125 x 1 (1:2:62)
115 x 1 (1:3:63)
135 x 1 (1:4:64)
125 x 1 (1:5:65)
145 x 1 (1:6:66)
135 x 1 (1:7:67)
155 x 1 (1:8:68)
145 x 1 (1:9:69)
125 x 1 (1:10:70)

155kg Front Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (1.25 x 20))3

Thursday, September 5, 2019

2019SEP05 (SED D6.W12) D83

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
55 x (1)3
75 x (1)2
95 x 1
75 x 1
95 x 1
115 x 1 (1:1:51)
95 x 1
115 x 1 (1:2:52)
135 x 1 (1:3:53)
115 x 1 (1:4:54)
135 x 1 (1:5:55)
155 x 1 (1:6:56)
125 x (1)4 (4:10:60)

155kg Front Squat

20 x (1)5
30 x (1)3
40 x (1)3
50 x (1)2
60 x 1
50 x (1)3
60 x (1)2
70 x 1
80 x 1

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Axle Reverse French Curl:
((110 x 10) + (15 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (20 x 10))1
((110 x 10) + (25 x 15))1

Standing Band Cuban Curl:
Green x (20)3

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

2019SEP04 (SED D5.W12) D82

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
55 x (1)3
75 x (1)2
95 x 1
75 x (1)3
95 x (1)2
115 x 1 (1:1:41)
95 x (1)3
115 x (1)2 (2:3:43)
135 x 1 (1:4:44)
115 x (1)3 (3:7:47)
135 x (1)2 (2:9:49)
155 x 1 (1:10:50)

155kg Front Squat

Superman Row @ 5c Hold:
50 x (1)3
60 x (1)2
70 x 1
60 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
80 x 1

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Lying Plate Butterfly:
((110 x 10) + (.5 x 10))3

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

2019SEP03 (SED D4.W12) D81

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
55 x 1
75 x 1
95 x 1
115 x 1 (1:1:31)
125 x 1 (1:2:32)
135 x 1 (1:3:33)
125 x 1 (1:4:34)
135 x 1 (1:5:35)
145 x 1 (1:6:36)
135 x 1 (1:7:37)
145 x 1 (1:8:38)
155 x 1 (1:9:39)
165 x 1 (1:10:40)

165kg Front Squat

bw x (1)5
bw + 10 x 1
bw + 15 x 1
bw + 20 x 1
bw + 25 x 1
bw + 30 x 1
bw + 35 x 1
bw + 40 x 1
bw + 45 x 1
bw + 50 x 1
bw + 55 x 1
bw x (1)5

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((110 x 15) + (1.25 x 20))3

Standing Band Tricep Pushdown:
Green x 50/25/15/10

Monday, September 2, 2019

2019SEP02 (SED D3.W12) D80

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
55 x (1)3
75 x (1)2
95 x 1
75 x 1
95 x 1
115 x 1 (1:1:21)
95 x 1
115 x 1 (1:2:22)
135 x 1 (1:3:23)
115 x 1 (1:4:24)
135 x 1 (1:5:25)
155 x 1 (1:6:26)
135 x (1)4 (4:10:30)

155kg Front Squat

Pull Up:
bw x (1)5
bw + 8 x (1)5
((bw + 12 x 1) + (bw x 1))5

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Axle Reverse Curl:
((110 x 15) + (15 x 10))1
((110 x 15) + (20 x 10))1
((110 x 15) + (25 x 10))1