
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019DEC31 (SED D2.W4) D23

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x 1 (1:1:27)
140 x 1 (1:2:28)
120 x 1 (1:3:29)
130 x 1 (1:4:30)
140 x 1 (1:5:31)
150 x 1 (1:6:32)
120 x 1 (1:7:33)
130 x 1 (1:8:34)
140 x 1 (1:9:35)
150 x 1 (1:10:36)
160 x 1 (1:11:37)
120 x 1 (1:12:38)
130 x 1 (1:13:39)
140 x 1 (1:14:40)
150 x 1 (1:15:41)
160 x 1 (1:16:42)
170 x 1 (1:17:43)
180 x 1 (1:18:44)
170 x 1 (1:19:45)
150 x 1 (1:20:46)
120 x 1 (1:21:47)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips + Hand Release Pull Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (bw x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 12 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 16 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 2))1
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (bw x 2))1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (1)10

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (1)5

Monday, December 30, 2019

2019DEC30 (SED D1.W4) D22

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:4)
170 x 1 (1:5:5)
125 x (1)4 (4:9:9)
175 x 1 (1:10:10)
155 x 1 (1:11:11)
125 x 1 (1:12:12)
75 x 1
20 x 1

175kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 10 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 14 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 18 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 22 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

12" Block Snatch:
20 x (1)5
42.5 x (1)5
52.5 x (1)4
62.5 x (1)3 (3:15:15)
72.5 x (1)2 (2:17:17)
82.5 x 1 (1:18:18) * dmax
62.5 x (2)4 (8:26:26)

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw + 8 x (2)5

Sunday, December 29, 2019

2019DEC29 (SED D7.W3) D21 (94)

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:87)
145 x (1)4 (4:9:91)
170 x 1 (1:10:92)
140 x 1 (1:11:93)
120 x 1 (1:12:94)
70 x 1
20 x 1

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 16 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 20 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

18" Block Clean + Power Jerk:
20 x (1+1)10
40 x (1+1)5
60 x (1+1)3
80 x (1+1)2
100 x (1+1)1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up + Chin Up + Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (1+1+1)7

Saturday, December 28, 2019

2019DEC28 (SED D6.W3) D20

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:72)
150 x (1)4 (4:9:76)
170 x 1 (1:10:77)
180 x 1 (1:11:78)
185 x 1 (1:12:79)
170 x 1 (1:13:80)
150 x 1 (1:14:81)
120 x 1 (1:15:82)
70 x 1
20 x 1

185kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 16 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

18" Block Snatch * No Strap:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)5
50 x (1)4
60 x (1)3
70 x (1)2
80 x 1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up + Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2+2)5

* Notes:

- The squats have become a bit more laborious lately due to weight loss, travel, and a poor diet.  Today was the first time in what seems like an ego since I've squatted above 180kg.  I hope to keep the momentum going with a goal weight of 200kg.

Friday, December 27, 2019

2019DEC27 (SED D5.W3) D19

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)3 (3:3:56)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:58)
160 x 1 (1:6:59)
130 x (1)3 (3:9:62)
150 x (1)2 (2:11:64)
170 x 1 (1:12:65)
150 x 1 (1:13:66)
120 x 1 (1:12:67)
70 x 1
20 x 1

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))3

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Thursday, December 26, 2019

2019DEC26 (SED D4.W3) D18

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)2
120 x 1 (1:1:42)
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:44)
150 x 1 (1:4:45)
120 x (1)3 (3:8:48)
150 x (1)2 (2:10:50)
170 x 1 (1:10:51)
150 x 1 (1:11:52)
120 x 1 (1:12:53)

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Good Morning:
((bw x 10) + (20 x 10))5

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

2019DEC25 (SED D3.W3) D17

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:33)
150 x (1)2 (2:5:35)
170 x 1 (1:6:36)
150 x (1)2 (2:8:38)
120 x (1)3 (3:11:41)
100 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Good Morning:
((bw x 10) + (20 x 10))5

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

2019DEC24 (SED D2.W3) D16

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:2:18)
140 x 1 (1:3:19)
80 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:5:21)
150 x 1 (1:6:22)
90 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:8:24)
160 x 1 (1:9:25)
100 x (1)3
150 x (1)2 (2:11:27)
170 x 1 (1:12:28)
150 x 1 (1:13:29)
120 x 1 (1:14:30)
70 x 1
20 x 1

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))1
((110 x 10) + (bw + 8 x 10))2
((110 x 10) + (bw + 12 x 10))2

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Monday, December 23, 2019

2019DEC23 (SED D1.W3) D15

Back Squat:
20 x (5)5
70 x (5)3
100 x (3)2
120 x (3)3 (9:9:9)
140 x (2)2 (4:13:13)
160 x 1 (1:14:14)
140 x 2 (2:16:16)

160kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))3
((bw + 12 x 10) + (110 x 10))1

* Float

Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Sunday, December 22, 2019

2019DEC22 (SED D7.W2) D14 (67)

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5

Back Squat:
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:59)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:61)
160 x 1 (1:6:62)
140 x (1)2 (2:8:64)
120 x (1)3 (3:11:67)
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))4

Good Morning + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((20 x 5) + (1.25 x 10))3

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Saturday, December 21, 2019

2019DEC21 (SED D6.W2) D13

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)1
110 x 1
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:48)
110 x (1)2
130 x (1)1 (1:2:49)
120 x 1 (1:3:50)
140 x 1 (1:4:51)
130 x 1 (1:5:52)
150 x 1 (1:6:53)
140 x 1 (1:7:54)
130 x 1 (1:8:55)
120 x 1 (1:9:56)
70 x 1
20 x 1

150kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))3
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))2

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)10

Friday, December 20, 2019

2019DEC20 (SED D5.W2) D12

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:42)
140 x (1)4 (4:9:46)
120 x 1 (1:10:47)
70 x 1
20 x 1

140kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))1

Clean + Squat Jerk:
20 x (1+1)5

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (4)5

Thursday, December 19, 2019

2019DEC19 (SED D4.W2) D11

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5

Clean Pull + Front Squat:
70 x (1+1)3
100 x (1+1)3
120 x (1+1)3 (3:3:32)
140 x (1+F)1

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2)5

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
90 x (1)2
110 x 1
90 x (1)3
110 x (1)2
130 x 1 (1:1:33)
110 x (1)3
130 x (1)2 (2:3:35)
140 x 1 (1:4:36)
130 x 1 (1:5:37)
110 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

140kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

2019DEC18 (SED D3.W2) D10

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
100 x (1)3
120 x 1 (1:1:24)
90 x (1)3
120 x (1)2 (2:3:26)
140 x 1 (1:4:27)
110 x (1)3
140 x (1)2 (2:6:29)
160 x F

140kg Front Squat

Drop Snatch + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((20 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((30 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((40 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((50 x 3) + (110 x 10))1
((60 x 3) + (110 x 10))1

Dips + Snatch Pull:
((bw x 10) + (40 x 3))1
((bw x 10) + (50 x 3))1
((bw + 8 x 10) + (60 x 3))1
((bw x 10) + (70 x 3))1
((bw x 10) + (80 x 3))1

* Float

Hand Release Parallel Pull Up:
bw x (2)10

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

2019DEC17 (SED D2.W2) D9

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5           
100 x 1
120 x 1 (1:1:13)
130 x 1 (1:2:14)
110 x 1
130 x 1 (1:3:15)
140 x 1 (1:4:16)
120 x 1 (1:5:17)
140 x 1 (1:6:18)
150 x 1 (1:7:19)
130 x (1)3 (3:10:22)
120 x 1 (1:11:23)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

150kg Front Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2
((bw + 8 x 10) + (110 x 10))1
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))2

12" Block Clean Pull + Clean + Split Jerk:
20 x (1+1+1)2
40 x (1+1+1)2
60 x (1+1+1)2
80 x (1+1+1)2

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Parallel Grip Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Monday, December 16, 2019

2019DEC16 (SED D1.W2) D8

Front Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
130 x (1)3 (3:8:8)
140 x 1 (1:9:9)
135 x 1 (1:10:10)
130 x 1 (1:11:11)
120 x 1 (1:12:12)
100 x 1
70 x 1
20 x 1

140kg Front Squat

Drop Snatch:
20 x 3
30 x 3
40 x 3
50 x 3
60 x 3

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))5

Snatch Pull:
20 x 3
30 x 3
40 x 3
50 x 3
60 x 3

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (4)5

Sunday, December 15, 2019

2019DEC15 (SED D7.W1) D7 (83)

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x 1 (1:1:70)
130 x 1 (1:2:71)
140 x 1 (1:3:72)
130 x 1 (1:4:73)
140 x 1 (1:5:74)
150 x 1 (1:6:75)
140 x 1 (1:7:76)
150 x 1 (1:8:77)
160 x 1 (1:9:78)
150 x 1 (1:10:79)
160 x 1 (1:11:80)
170 x 1 (1:12:81)
150 x 1 (1:13:82)
120 x 1 (1:14:83)
70 x 1
20 x 1

170kg Back Squat

Dips + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (110 x 10))5

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)10

Saturday, December 14, 2019

2019DEC14 (SED D6.W1) D6

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)4 (4:4:62)
160 x (1)3 (3:7:65)
180 x (1)2 (2:9:67)
160 x 1 (1:10:68)
120 x 1 (1:11:69)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Sqaut

Dips + Hand Release Pull Up + Hand Release Chin Up + Reverse Hyper (Strap):
((bw x 10) + (bw x 2) + (bw x 2) + (110 x 10))5

Friday, December 13, 2019

2019DEC13 (SED D5.W1) D5

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)6
120 x (1)5 (5:5:49)
160 x (1)4 (4:9:53)
180 x (1)3 (3:12:56)
160 x 1 (1:13:57)
120 x 1 (1:14:58)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))5

Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
1.5 x (15)3

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)12

Thursday, December 12, 2019

2019DEC12 (SED D4.W1) D4

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:36)
150 x (1)2 (2:5:38)
170 x 1 (1:6:39)
150 x (1)2 (2:8:41)
120 x (1)3 (3:11:44)

170kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))5

KB Seal Row + Standing Plate Cuban Curl:
((24 x 6) + (1.5 x 15))5

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

2019DEC11 (SED D3.W1) D3

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)3
120 x (1)3 (3:3:22)
140 x (1)2 (2:5:24)
160 x 1 (1:6:25)
140 x (1)3 (3:9:28)
160 x (1)2 (2:11:30)
180 x 1 (1:12:31)
160 x 1 (1:13:32)
120 x 1 (1:14:33)
70 x 1
20 x 1

180kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips + Hand Release Chin Up:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (bw x 2))5

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

* Notes:

- 180kg!  Who would have thought; especially, after an abysmal performance from yesterday.  I need to seriously dial back the training this first week back from the move.  I think being a little more conservative will pay big dividends later on and prevent a possible injury.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2019DEC10 (SED D2.W1) D2

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
50 x (1)3
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:11)
140 x (1)4 (4:9:15)
160 x (1)3 (3:12:18)
120 x 1 (1:13:19)
70 x 1
20 x 1

160kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips + Press:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (20 x 5))1
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10) + (30 x 5))4

* Float

Hand Release Pull Up:
bw x (2)5

Hand Release Chin Up:
bw x (2)5

* Notes:

- My legs are dead!  160kg was a gift.  Plus, in all honesty, my lower back is smoked from all the endless bending over to unpack boxes.  I'm not sure how tomorrow will go, but I'll be back -- I'm not sure why, but I will. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

2019DEC09 (SED D1.W1) D1

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
40 x (1)3
70 x (1)5
100 x (1)3
120 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
150 x (1)3 (3:8:8)
170 x 1 (1:9:9)
150 x 1 (1:10:10)
120 x 1 (1:11:11)

170kg Back Squat

Reverse Hyper (Strap) + Dips:
((110 x 10) + (bw x 10))5

KB Seal Row + Hand Release Pull Up:
((25 x 6) + (bw x 2))5

* Notes:

- I'm moved in and finally back on the squat everyday horse again.  170kg felt like a metric ton and my legs feel weaker than a newborn baby chick's.  This is going to be interesting.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Saturday, December 7, 2019

2019DEC07 (REST)


- A day of unpacking boxes and trying to figure out where things will go into our new home.  It's absolutely insane making for no time to squat.

Friday, December 6, 2019

2019DEC06 (REST)


- My household goods were delivered today, so with all the chaos of moving, I'm unable to get a squat workout done.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

2019DEC05 (REST)


- The movers arrived yesterday and today I'm enroute to Boonville to receive our household goods.  Another day off from squatting.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

2019DEC04 (REST)


- I'm unable to lift today because our movers arrive this morning to pack our household goods for the move to Boonville. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2019DEC03 (REST)


- Another day off from squatting.  I traveled back to Kentucky yesterday from Missouri.  I got home late after a 7 hour ride and had to start the arduous process of finalizing the packing of our house in preparation for the movers.

Monday, December 2, 2019

2019DEC02 (REST)


- Traveled yesterday down to Boonville, MO to close on our house.  There just wasn't any time to lift today with all the responsibilities of preparing for the move.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

2019DEC01 (SED D1.W25) D169

Back Squat:
20 x (1)5
70 x (1)5
120 x (1)5 (5:5:5)
150 x (1)5 (5:10:10)
120 x 1 (1:11:11)
100 x 1
70 x 1
50 x 1
20 x 1

150kg Back Squat

* Notes:

- A long car ride from Kentucky to Illinois makes for a lackluster performance in the squat rack.  Quite possibly one of the worst squat workouts in a long time.