
Saturday, September 28, 2013

2013SEP28 (BUL D3A.W6)

Session A.

Back Squat:
20 x bar work
50 x (3)2
70 x (3)2
90 x (2)2
110 x 2 (2:2:140)
130 x 2 (2:4:142)
150 x 1 (1:5:143)
160 x F (1:6:144)
130 x 2 (2:8:146)
140 x 2 (2:10:148)
150 x 1 (1:11:149)
160 x 1 (1:12:150)
140 x (3)10 (30:42:180)

* Notes:

- Depressing workout.  Getting nailed to the pins at 160kg in my first wave is repulsive.  The second wave was slightly better but 160kg felt crazy heavy.  Therefore, I decided on more volume by doing 140kg triples for 10 sets.  I'm crushed but, hopefully, the added volume will turn my lackluster performance around in the coming days.

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