
Saturday, June 1, 2019

2019JUN01 (TRIDENT D2C.W2.C2)

Power Clean + Push Jerk:
30 x (3+3)3
50 x (3+3)3
70 x (3+3)1 (6:6:160)
84 x (3+3)1 (6:12:166)
91 x (3+3)1 (6:18:172)
98 x (1+1)3 (6:24:178)
105 x (1+1)3 (6:30:184)
112 x (1+1)3 (6:36:190)
119 x ((1+1)2)4 (16:52:206)

119kg Power Clean + Push Jerk x 2

Snatch Pull:
112 x (3)4 (12:64:218)

* Notes:

- I started this workout at my usual time of 0800; however, after a hellish night of sleeping on my sides, my low back and left hip weren't cooperating.  It was taking too long to warm up, and so I made the decision to forgo the workout until later (possibly tomorrow).  Instead, I spent the morning driving to Louisville to run a few errands with the family.

- After returning home, I was very reluctant in trying to squeeze any workout in today, because I was being a lazy turd.  I was using the excuse of it being late in the afternoon as a reason to not workout, but after some self-motivation, I found myself in the garage warming up and preparing to finish out the remainder of "day 2".  Surprisingly, the warm up took less time and was a lot easier to get primed for the workout, probably due to the ambient temperature in the garage being close to 80 degrees.  I did manage to get the power clean and push jerks, along with snatch pulls done before being asked to accompany my wife at a neighborhood birthday party.  I wasn't thrilled, because I wanted to get my snatch balances done, but as the old saying goes, "happy wife, happy life".  So the snatch balances are gonna have to wait until tomorrow, which is probably for the best in many respects.  I'll be fresher and hopefully better rested, and it will make for a quick workout giving me time to address some other domestic chores that I've been neglecting.

- Aside from all the "life" drama, I did have to make some slight adjustments to the power clean and push jerks.  Instead of executing consecutive repetitions of power cleans before doing the same with the push jerks, I went with doing singles because my right shoulder was starting to act a bit too gummy for me and I didn't want to risk injuring it when lowering the weight for a subsequent repetition.  Thankfully, the adjustment worked to my benefit and I was able to get all the necessary repetitions done without exposing myself to any further potential injury.  I'm slowly getting wiser in my old age.

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