
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


On a weekly basis, I'll try to post a video clip of a missed attempt by yours truly.  Trust me when I say this - I have plenty of missed clips to upload.  Personal stab aside, this is a great opportunity for coaches and athletes of all levels of experience to critique my less than desirable form and technique.  Don't hold anything back.  I've spent over 20 years in the Marine Corps, so I've developed very "thick skin" when it comes to criticism and flak.  Comment on anything, my atrocious form, heinous technique, pansy music selection, or even my odd training attire -- I don't care.  Fire away and let's learn, laugh, and get better at these lifts!

Here's a 123kg clean and jerk attempt from today's training session:

1 comment:

  1. Frickin' sweet vid! You should moonlight in video editing and make some bacon on the side. I love the ending- so intense. Also, love the music choice; it made think I was watching a California Strength video for second!

    Now- I will go lift something heavy!


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