
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Prior to undergoing the Calpian 5 Week Training Program, I was deeply involved in a training regimen, which was reminiscent of a "Bulgarian-ish" approach to weightlifting.  Meaning, heavy days were the norm, with repeated maximal attempts in the classic lifts -- not to mention, the same protocol with front and back squats.  After the initial "honeymoon", my success with this approach began to wane.  Instead, it resulted in a cascade of unrecoverable physical stress, reemergence of nagging injuries, and complete mental exhaustion.

100kg ready for take off.
So, the goal of undergoing the Calpian plan was to provide a break from the madness of maximal lifting, and approach weightlifting in a more sensible manner -- more in line with my needs and recovery abilities.  Fortunately, the new program allowed me the opportunity to train, gain some strength, improved my technique, while actively resting by body.  Moreover, and possibly, more importantly, it gave me the much needed confidence to step on the platform again to compete.  Thus, a decision was made during the last two weeks of the program to compete in a local meet -- the "2012 Yellow Brick Road" (sanction # 28-12-06).

Fighting to stay tight!
How did I fair?  I my opinion, exceptionally well, considering my total increased 17kg!  Previously, my total at the "Wounded Warrior Winter Open" (sanction 28-12-02) was 213kg.  To walk off the platform with a competition snatch PR of 100kg and a competition clean and jerk PR of 130kg (230kg total) is -- in my book -- a success!  I was thoroughly pleased with my performance, but most of all, I was pleased with the Calpian program that helped me attain the added 17kg.  But now, I want more!

Success!  Eat Shit 100kg!

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