
Friday, October 12, 2012


This is a not-so-recent video of me attempting to clean and jerk 140kg.  The video was taken back on 22 February 2012.  If you listen closely, you can hear my training partner and coach, Javi, giving me pointers and encouragement to make the lift.  This particular lift was so close, yet so far away.  Fire away with any comments.


  1. I remember this lift like it was yesterday! One of the last great lifting sessions we had together as a team. I hope that people can see the one fatal flaw (hint: I hinted at it before he executed!), but everyone who sees this should take away the awesome power that he pulled that bar, the speed in getting re-positioned, the extremely rigid structure he kept in receiving the bar, and his hand re-positioning as he prepared for the jerk. This was a GREAT miss, one he learned a lot from because he nailed it the next time!

  2. @ Javi - I rememer it all to well. Yes, the second attempt resulted in a successful lift, but I attribute the successful second attempt from taking your advice to push myself under the barbell. It wasn't the prettiest clean and jerk but it still count as a new PR. Fun times!


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