
Thursday, January 31, 2013

DELOAD - DAY 3, WEEK 4 (2013JAN31)

Clean + Push Press:
50 x (3+3)2
70 x 3+3
84 x (3+3)3 (18:18:108)
91 x (3+3)2 (12:30:120)

Clean + Push Press + Split Jerk:
98 x (1+1+1)3 (9:39:129)

Clean Extension:
112 x 3/3 (6:45:135)
119 x 3/3 (6:51:141)
126 x 3/3 (6:57:147)

* Notes:

- Simple and effective workout!  Had a good time on the platform with the clean and push press combination.  It was so much fun that I decided to add a split jerk in the final set.  Clean extensions took a little getting use to, as the pull felt slightly off.  I'm use to pulling under (i.e. Chinese style) after the third pull to replicate the shrug down under the bar; however, it has caused some technical flaws in the reception of my cleans which I've been attempting to remediate with the clean extensions.  Hopefully, it will work.  Thus, trying to stay tall and long throughout the pull is awkward and requires some adjustment.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, I like the fact that you started to keep a tally of your reps per day/week/month. I need to start doing the same!


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