
Thursday, May 2, 2013


145kg Block Snatch Extension!

Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch:
20 x bar work
50 x (1+3)2
70 x (1+3)1
82 x (1+1)2 (4:4:4)
95 x (1+1)2 (4:8:8)
103 x (1+F)2 (2:10:10)
103 x (1+1)2 (4:14:14)
108 x (1+1)1 (2:16:16) (segment 1)
115 x (1+1)1 (2:18:18)
123 x (1+1)1 (2:20:20)
110 x (1+1)1 (2:22:22) (segment 2)
118 x (1+1)1 (2:24:24)
125 x (1+F)2 (4:28:28)
123 x (1+F)2 (4:32:32)

12" Block Snatch Extension:
135 x 3 (3:35:35)
140 x 3 (3:38:38)
145 x 3 (3:41:41)

12" Block Snatch Panda Pull:
130 x 2 (2:43:43)
132 x 2 (2:45:45)
134 x 2 (2:47:47)

* Notes:

- Fairly descent workout; although, I missed my final hang snatch in the second segment at 123kg.  Plus, the attempts at 125kg resulted in "no bueno".  I was a bit pissed at myself for missing these lifts, because I nailed 123kg in the first segment with ease.  Matter of fact, all the successful lifts today were solid -- no extraneous foot movement and I felt tight in the bottom of the reception.  I can't quite explain it, but I believe the primary reason for the misses was due to a self-induced "Jedi-Mind-Fuck".  I start playing stupid "fuck-fuck-games" with myself and lose all focus and concentration.  It's a pandemic "jumble-fuck" of my oodle-loop!  I've got to stop this madness.

-  Block snatch extensions and the panda pulls were a breeze.  Go figure, if you don't have to catch +130kg over your head -- it should be easy.  One thing I did notice after reviewing my videos from todays workout, I need to focus more on staying back on my heels throughout the pull.  I have a tendency of wanting to rise too early onto the ball of my feet, which drives the bar and myself forward. Aside from the misses at 123kg and 125kg, the workout was a success.  Making attempts near the 90-95% mark of my 1RM isn't half bad.  I'm looking forward to crushing the back squats and push presses tomorrow.


  1. "It's a pandemic "jumble-fuck" of my oodle-loop!" Ok, good to know I am not the only head case. (Just a weaker one)

  2. @ Richard - Hahaha. I think we all experience a bout of "head games" from time to time.


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